1911 Census of England and Wales, General Report with Appendices, Table 43 : " Workers and Dealers in Textile Fabrics (excluding Elastic Web Manufacture, and Drapers, Linen Drapers, Mercers)".

1851*1871*18911911Increase (+)
Decrease (—)
per cent.1861-711871-811881-911891-
Year. All Ages. Aged 15 years and upwards. Children under 15 per 1,000 total
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
995,021 502,896 492,125 839,316 431,295 408,021 156 142 171
1861* 1,021,196 476,109 545,087 867,267 407,921 459,346 150 143 157
1,016,595 446,099 570,496 861,441 381,455 479,986 152 145 159
1881 1,012,274 428,513 583,761 894,036 377,340 516,696 117 119 115
1,071,539 458,344 613,195 925,952 395,430 530,522 135 137 134
1901 1,019,740 424,955 594,785 918,283 383,424 534,859 100 98 101
1,162,820 503,598 659,222 1,060,492 461,401 599,091 88 84 91
1851-61 2.6 -5.3 10.8 3.3 -5.4 12.6 -1.1 -4.8 1.9
-0.5 -6.3 4.7 -0.7 -6.5 4.5 -0.8 -5.2 5.6
-0.4 -3.9 2.3 3.8 -1.1 7.6 -23.8 -20.8 -25.9
5.9 -7.0 5.0 -3.6 4.8 2.7 23.1 22.9 23.3
-4.8 -7.3 -3.0 -0.8 -3.0 0.8 -30.3 -34.0 -27.5
14.0 18.5 10.8 15.5 20.3 12.0 0.9 1.6 0.3

*The numbers for 1851, 1861, and 1871 include the "Retired."