Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for LLANABER

LLANABER, a parish in Dolgelly district, Merioneth; on the river Maw, Cardigan bay, and the Barmouth railways, around the town of Barmouth. It contains Barmouth town, with its head post office and railway station; and contains also the hamlets of Isymynydd and Uchmynydd. Acres, 12,679; of which 760 are water. Real property, £6,354. Pop., 1,600. Houses, 382. The surface is hilly; and the rocks include lead and copper ores. Egyrn was once a friary, and is now a farm-house. The living is a rectory, united with the chapelry of Barmonth, in the diocese of Bangor. Value, £213. Patron, the Prince of Wales. The church stands 1¾ mile N of Barmouth; is early English, with plain exterior; was, for many years, so greatly dilapidated as to be unfit for use; has been beautifully restored, after designs by Boyce; comprises clerestoried nave, aisles, and chancel; has a very fine interior, and an exquisite S doorway; and contains a curious chest which was used for receiving votive offerings. A church and three dissenting chapels are in Barmouth; and there are charities £5. Four successive bards, of the name of Phillips, lived at Hendreo-Vechan.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Llanaber CP/AP       Dolgelly RegD/PLU       Merionethshire AncC
Place: Llanaber

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