Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for LISCOMBE PARK

LISCOMBE PARK, a seat in Soulbury parish, Bucks; 3 miles W by N of Leighton-Buzzard. It has belonged to the Lovett family for nearly 600 years; and is at present the residence of W. Schoolcroft Burton, Esq. The house is a quadrangular castellated edifice of the Tudor period, with a frontage of 166 feet; has been much spoilt by whitewash; includes, on one side, a chapel with some windows of the 14th century; and contains portraits of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, the first Earl of Bedford, the Earl of Strafford, Sir Edmund Verny, Archbishop Sancroft, and other distinguished persons. The court-yard has a fine old weeping yew; the kitchen gardens are ancient and large; and the park abounds in noble oaks, and comprises about 200 acres.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a seat"   (ADL Feature Type: "residential sites")
Administrative units: Soulbury AP/CP       Buckinghamshire AncC

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