Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for KIRTON-IN-LINDSEY

KIRTON-IN-LINDSEY, a small town and a parish in Glanford-Brigg district, Lincoln. The town stands on a commanding eminence, adjacent to the Manchester and Lincolnshire railway, near Ermine street, 10 miles NE by E of Gainsborough; is an ancient place; and has a head post office, ‡ a railway station with telegraph, a banking office, three chief inns, a court house, a county house of correction, a church, three dissenting chapels, a grammar school, an infant school, and charities £122. The court house is a detached brick building, on KirtonGreen, and is used for manorial courts. The house of correction is a stone structure, of centre and wings; has capacity for 100 male and 22 female prisoners; and includes an apartment which is used both as a meetingplace of quarter sessions, and as a prison chapel. The church is early English; consists of nave, aisles, and chancel, with a tower; and was thoroughly restored, and partly rebuilt, in 1861. The grammar school was founded, in the time of Elizabeth, by Lady Wray; has two fellowships and six scholarships, which have long been unclaimed; and is now conducted on the national system. A corn market is held on Friday; cattle markets are held on five alternate Saturdays after Good Friday, and on five after the first week of October; and large cattle fairs are held on 18 July and 11 December- The parish comprises 4, 210 acres. Real property, £10, 490; of which £90 are in gas works. Pop., 2, 058. Houses, 460. The property is much subdivided. The manor belonged to Robert de Mortaigne; passed to Piers Gavestone and the Black Prince; went then to the Duchy of Lancaster; was sold to the late J. J. Angerstein, Esq.; and belongs now to J. W. Pashley, Esq. A tunnel of the railway, 1, 300 yards long, goes through a hill called the Cliff. There are corn mills, a ropery, a brick and tile yard, lime kilns, and an iron ore mine. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Lincoln. Value, £300 **-Patron, the Bishop of Lincoln.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a small town and a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "cities")
Administrative units: Kirton in Lindsey CP/AP       Glanford Brigg RegD/PLU       Lincolnshire AncC
Place: Kirton in Lindsey

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