Census Reports
Since 1801 the Census has created a uniquely detailed record of our changing communities. For data on your chosen town or village, search by place from our main home page. This part of Vision of Britain is about the census itself, including:
- Listings of all reports published from 1801 to 1961, and all tables in those reports. Unless you ask, we list only reports and tables for which we hold data or text.
- The contents of selected tables, with headings and notes.
- Full text: Abstracts 1801-41, Preliminary Reports 1851-1961, and England & Wales General Reports 1871-1921.
A list of all reports 1801-1961 is available here. The census is now run by the Office for National Statistics and GRO Scotland. Census data for individuals can only be accessed after 100 years, and are available from the National Archives.