1921 Census of England and Wales, County Report (Sample Report Title: Census 1921: England and Wales: Series of County Parts. County of Norfolk), Table 3 : " Population, Acreage, Private Families and Dwellings".

Show top level table Neston and Parkgate Show Cheshire AdmC table
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If Drill-down appears click for more detailed statistics
Area in Statute Acres (Land and Inland Water)
Total Population
Private Families and Dwellings
Private Families
Population in Private Families
Structurally Separate Dwellings occupied
Rooms occupied
Rooms per Person
Persons per Acre
Neston and Parkgate UD Total   3,331 Show data context 4,596 Show data context 5,195 Show data context 2,511 Show data context 2,684 Show data context - 1,036 Show data context - 970 Show data context 5,509 Show data context -
Neston Cum Parkgate CP 3,331 Show data context 4,596 Show data context 5,195 Show data context 2,511 Show data context 2,684 Show data context - 1,036 Show data context - 970 Show data context 5,509 Show data context -

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.

Using data from this table, Vision of Britain can map the following rates for within Neston and Parkgate UD:

Rate Date
Population Density (Persons per Acre) 1921
Rate of Population Change (% over previous 10 years) 1921

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.