Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Cashel

Cashel.-- ancient episcopal city and township, in pars. of St John Baptist and St Patrick's Rock, mid. co. Tipperary, 6 miles SE. of Goold's Cross and Cashel ry. sta., 8 miles N. of Caher, and 96 miles SW. of Dublin -- township, 317 ac., pop. 3961; P.O. T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper. Market-days, Wednesday and Saturday. The city stands in the centre of a plain. It was the ancient seat of the kings of Munster. Once the see of an archbishop, it was reduced to a bishopric in 1834. C. was a parl. bor. till 1870. The diocesan library contains 16,000 volumes. The far-famed Rock of Cashel (300 ft. high), a stupendous mass of limestone, is crowned with the ruins of a cathedral, a chapel, and a round tower. Dean Swift (1667-1745) was a native.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "ancient episcopal city and township"   (ADL Feature Type: "cities")
Administrative units: Tipperary IrlC
Place: Cashel

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