Birthplace statistics for residents of England and Wales in 1911

Table ID:
MIG_1911_EW     (1251558)
Birthplace statistics for residents of England and Wales in 1911
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1911.


  1. The data are taken from table 2, 'Birthplaces of Males and Females enumerated in England and Wales, in each Administrative County, in each County Borough, in each Metropolitan Borough, and in each Urban District of which the population exceeded 50,000 persons at the census of 1911', pp. 3-113 in Census of England and Wales, 1911, Vol. 9, Birthplaces of Persons enumerated in Administrative Counties, County Boroughs etc., and Ages and Occupations of Foreigners, London, HMSO 1913 [Cd. 7017].
  2. These data were computerised by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis in summer 2000. They were extensively corrected and re-documented by Humphrey Southall in August 2002.
  3. The table does not include footnotes or endnotes.


  1. The original table was organised with columns giving county of enumeration and rows giving place of birth, but have been re-organised here so that locational data appear as values in columns.
  2. In addition to recording birthplace by county and selected local government districts for England and Wales, additional birthplace units are listed including a breakdown by selected foreign countries.
  3. In addition to giving details of people enumerated by county the table also includes selected local government districts. The original report states that 'The figures for the Administrative Counties exclude those for the County Boroughs but include those for the other large towns.'
  4. Table was renamed from mig_1911 when transferred from the Oracle server. Column in Oracle called lg_unit actually relates to Local Government District name so amended to be lg_dist to avoid confusion and make table correspond with same column elsewhere.
  5. There are various additional checking files for this year located in a sub-directory within mig_1911_ew. They have not been edited as it is unclear whether they are still neccesary.


  1. The printed table contains a total for the number of people enumerated in each county and selected local government district. These figures were compared to the summed birthplace data for each unit.
  2. There appears to be an error in the original figures as the sum of the rows of birth area and the total given for that area in the national column do not tally in the following units which all relate to females. West Hartlepool CB in Durham, Leicestershire, Surrey and Wakefield MB in the county given as Yorkshire, East, North and West Ridings.
  3. The totals for the age_lgd table in 1911 do not match the migration table for males and females in Monmouthshire and females in Brecknockshire. The errors are located in the age_lgd table, but are in not detectable so must be in the original print.
  4. No matching to the AUO gazetteer has been attempted. These files have been altered to run on Postgres, but otherwise are exactly the same as they were on the oracle server.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
mig_1911_ew_pkey Primary key rec_num
mig_1911_ew_idx1 Unique adm_cnty, lgd_name, lg_dist, lg_type, birth_area, birth_detail
mig_1911_ew_idx2 Unique birth_area, birth_detail, adm_cnty, lg_dist, lg_type


The table has the following associated constraints:

mig_1911_ew_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=60). Administrative County the data were reported for, i.e. the county of residence at the enumeration.
lgd_name Text string (max.len.=34). Name of the Local Government District of current residence as originally published, i.e. in lower case, etc. This is often empty, as many rows of data relate to county totals.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=34). Name of the Local government District of current residence in standardised form, i.e. upper case, etc. This is often empty, as many rows of data relate to county totals.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=7). Local government district type. Rural Districts ('RD') never appear, and as well as the usual codes for urban units the table includes 'TOT' = 'County Total' (i.e. no data for districts).
birth_area Text string (max.len.=60). General area containing the place of birth. This may be a county of England and Wales, another part of the British Isles or another part of the world; see notes above.
birth_detail Text string (max.len.=34). Where the birth area is a county of England and Wales, this column indicates the specific local government district, if any; NB many counties . Where the birth area is another part of the British Isles, this column is empty. Where the birth area is another part of the world, this column provides more information about either status or the specific country. See notes above.
birth_lgt Text string (max.len.=7). Type of the district indicated by the combination of 'birth_area' and 'birth_detail'. This only appears for those rows which refer to specific towns and uses the standard codes, but is important as County Boroughs are not included within the overall county totals while Municipal Boroughs and Urban Districts were. In the original report, the data for the latter appeared in italics.
unit_id Integer number. Sequence number running from 1 to 182 uniquely identifying each unit of enumeration.
row_id Integer number. Sequence number running from 1 to 183 uniquely identifying each row that we have included from the original table. This will often help in computing aggregates, as indicated above.
males Integer number. Number of males in relevant category.
females Integer number. Number of females in relevant category.
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.