Voting statistics for General Elections 1918 to 1945, plus socio-economic statistice

Table ID:
VOTING_1918_1945     (1253469)
Voting statistics for General Elections 1918 to 1945, plus socio-economic statistice
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data cover the period 1918 to 1945.


  1. This entirely derived table combines voting data, meaning the number of votes for each candidate in each constituency in each General Election between 1918 and 1945, with redistricted socio-economic statistics taken mainly from the 1931 census, as assembled in the table 'const_1931_soc'.
  2. This table is currently limited to Constituencies in England and Wales. It does include five University Constituencies, but they lack the socio-economic data.


  1. Data from the 1945 General Election is included here, but as well as the University Constituencies 37 other Constituencies lack socio-economic data, as there were significant changes in constituency boundaries starting from that year.


  1. Derived data, so no additional checking against the sources. Various consistency checks included in the calculations.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
voting_1918_1945_pkey Primary key g_unit, election_date, party_label


The table has the following associated constraints:

voting_1918_1945_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index
voting_1918_1945_fk_unit Foreign Key Column(s) {1} link to table auo.g_unit, column(s) {1}.

Columns within table:

g_unit Integer number. Numerical ID for the constituency, as defined in the AUO.
constituency Text string (max.len.=68). Name of the constituency.
seats Integer number. Number of Seats within the Constituency.
nation Text string (max.len.=12). Name of Nation constituency contained within (not all rows).
election_date Database date value. Full calendar date of the election.
election_year Integer number. Year in which the election was held.
cand_seq Integer number. Number placing the candidate in sequence within the Constituency.
party_code Text string (max.len.=108). Code for party name.
party_label Text string (max.len.=158). Name of party. Number in brackets distinguish multiple candidates from the same party.
votes_for_party Integer number. Number of votes for this particular candidate.
total_votes Integer number. Total number of votes cast in the constituency at this election.
electorate Integer number. Total number of persons eleigible to vote.
turnout Floating point number. Votes cast as percentage of electorate.
census_pop_tot Integer number. Total population of the constituency, as directly reported in the census constituency tables.
census_pop_m Integer number. Male population of the constituency, as directly reported in the census constituency tables.
census_pop_f Integer number. Female population of the constituency, as directly reported in the census constituency tables.
redist_pop_m Floating point number. Total male population, as redistricted from the parish population counts. This will differ from the directly reported count where re-allocation was based on areas taken from the GIS.
redist_pop_f Floating point number. Total female population, as redistricted from the parish population counts.
ind_a_agric_m Floating point number. Number of male workers in SIC2007 Industry A, Agriculture.
ind_a_agric_f Floating point number. Number of female workers in SIC2007 Industry A, Agriculture..
ind_b_mining_m Floating point number. Number of male workers in SIC2007 Industry B, Mining.
ind_b_mining_f Floating point number. Number of female workers in SIC2007 Industry B, Mining.
ind_c_manuf_m Floating point number. Number of male workers in SIC2007 Industry C, Manufacturing.
ind_c_manuf_f Floating point number. Number of female workers in SIC2007 Industry C, Manufacturing.
tot_occ_m Floating point number. Total number of occupied males, i.e. employed or unemployed.
tot_occ_f Floating point number. Total number of occupied females, i.e. employed or unemployed..
unempl_m Floating point number. Number of males occupied but unemployed.
unempl_f Floating point number. Number of females occupied but unemployed..
class_1_m Floating point number. Number of occupied males with occupations placing them in the Registrar-General's Social Class 1 (Professionals).
class_2_m Floating point number. Number of occupied males with occupations placing them in the Registrar-General's Social Class 2 (Managerial).
class_3_m Floating point number. Number of occupied males with occupations placing them in the Registrar-General's Social Class 3 (Clerical and Skilled Manual).
class_4_m Floating point number. Number of occupied males with occupations placing them in the Registrar-General's Social Class 4 (Semi-skilled Manual).
class_5_m Floating point number. Number of occupied males with occupations placing them in the Registrar-General's Social Class 5 (Unskilled Manual).
age_0_19 Floating point number. Number of persons, male and female, aged between 0 and 19 years.
age_20_39 Floating point number. Number of persons, male and female, aged between 20 and 39 years.
age_40_64 Floating point number. Number of persons, male and female, aged between 40 and 64 years.
age_65_up Floating point number. Number of persons, male and female, aged over 65.
hous_pop Floating point number. Total number of persons living in private households.
hous_over_1_5 Floating point number. Number of persons in private households living at densities of over 1.5 persons per room.
births Floating point number. Total number of births in 1930 and 1931, as reported in the Registrar-General's annual Statistical Review.
inf_deaths Floating point number. Number of deaths of children aged under one year, as reported in the Statistical Review.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in overall sequence.