London, part 2
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Westminster is remarkable for haveing in it ye
ancient Large abbey wch
is a most magnificent Building of stone finely Graved, and within is adorned wth
severall monuments of our Kings and Queens and great personages. In Harry ye
sevenths Chapple Layes our Great and good as well as Ever Glorious King William, and Queen Mary his Royal Consort and joinctly on ye
throne of these kingdoms, whome noe tyme Can ever obliterate ye
memory off, their being Englands deliverers in Gods hands from popery and slavery wch
King James by ye
King of Frances power was involving us in. This abby alsoe is ye
place where ye
sollemnityes of the Kings interrments and Corronations are performed of which shall give a perticular. At ye
Death of a Prince which I have been a mournfull spectator or hearer of two of ye
most Renowned yt
ever was, King William and queen Marys, the Queen Dying before the king he ommitted noe Ceremony of Respect to her memory and remains wch
Lay in State in Whitehall in a bed of Purple velvet all open, the Cannopy ye
same wth
Rich gold fring, ye
middle being ye
armes of England Curiously painted and Gilt, ye
head piece Embroyder'd Richly wth
a Crown and Cyphers of her name, a Cusheon of purple velvet at ye
head on wch
was ye
Imperiall Crown and Scepter and Globe, and at ye
feete another such a Cusheon wth
sword and Gauntlets on the Corps wch
was rowled in Lead, and over it a Coffin Cover'd wth
purple velvet wth
the Crown, and Gilt in Moldings very Curious. A Pall on all of a very Rich tissue of gold and silver, Ruffled round about wth
purple velvet wch
hung down on ye
ground, wch
was a halfe pace railed as ye
manner of the Princes beds are. This in a roome hung wth
purple velvet full of Large wax tapers, and at ye
4 Corners of the bed stood 4 of ye
Ladyes of ye
bed Chamber-Countesses-wth
vailes; these were at severall tymes relieved by others of ye
same. Ye
anty Chamber hung with purple Cloth and there attended four of ye
Maids of honnour all in vailes, and ye
Gentlemen of the bed Chamber, pages in another roome all in black, ye
staires all below the same. Ye
Queen dyeing while ye
sate, ye
King gave mourning to them, 500 and Clerks, wch
attended thus: their Speaker haveing his traine bore up, then ye
Lord Major ye
same, and attended by ye
aldermen and officers all in black, and ye
Judges; then ye
officers of the houshold, then ye
Guards, then ye
Gentleman master of ye
horse Led the queens Led horse Cover'd up wth
purple velvet, next Came the open Chariot made as ye
bed was, the Cannopy ye
same all purple velvet, a high arch'd teister Ruffled, wth
Rich fring and pall, wch
was supported by Six of ye
first Dukes of ye
Realme that were not in office. This Chariot was drawn by the Queens own 6 horses Covered up with purple velvet and at ye
head and feete was Laid ye
Emblems of her dignity, the Crown and Scepter on a Cushion at ye
head, and Globe and Gauntlets at ye
feete, after which the first Dutchess in England as Chief mourner walked supported by these Lords, the Lord president of ye
Councill and ye
Lord privy Seale, she haveing a vaile over her face, and her traine of 6 yards Length being bore up by the next Dutchess assisted by four young Ladyes. After wch
two and two ye
Ladies followed and Lords, all Long traines according to their ranke, ye
Bishops Likewise all on foote on black Cloth strained on boards, from Whitehall to Westminster abby where was a sermon, in wch
tyme ye
body of ye
queen was reposed in a masulium in form of a bed wth
black velvet and silver fringe round, and hanging in arches, and at ye
four Corners was tapers and in ye
middle a bason supported by Cupids or Cherubims shoulders, in wch
was one Entire Great Lamp burning ye
whole tyme. Then after ye
service of burial wch
is done with solemn and mournfull musick and singing, ye
sound of a Drum unbraced, the breakeing of all ye
white staves of those that were ye
officers of ye
queen, and flinging in ye
keys of the rest of ye
offices devoted by yt
badge into ye
tomb. They seale it up and soe returne in same order they went. There is allwayes a high steward made for all solemnityes of ye
Kings and Queens and he is only soe for that day, and he goes just before the Led horse. The pages also Lead all ye
horses that draws ye
Chariot, and the yeaumen of ye
guard walks on Each side all ye
way. This is ye
manner of publick funeralls but if it be Kings then the Ladyes attend not. Ye
next Ceremonys is the Crowning the Kings and Queens of England wch
is done in this manner as I have seen it. The Prince by Letters Summons all the nobility to be ready to attend them such a day-its usually on St
Georges day-by the Earle marshall at Westminster Hall, another Greate Building which containes the Parliament houses and the courts of justice, and requests all-wch
shall Describe hereafter. But as I said they being Come to this Westminster Hall ye
Dean of Westminster abbey wth
prebends & comes with the Crown, scepter, swords and orb and all the Regalias, it being in their Custody wch
are all put on ye
table. Ye
prince does appoynt these all to be Carryed by severall Lords; then there being blew Cloth spread from ye
Hall to ye
Abby wch
is all railed in and Lined with foote and horse Guards, the Procession beginns thus. First four drums two and two as is the whole procession, these beate ye
March; then the 6 Chancery Clerkes, then the Chaplaines that have Dignityes, then the aldermen of London and ye
masters in Chancery, ye
Solicitor Generall, ye
Attorney General, then the Gentlemen of the privy Chamber, next the judges, then the Children of the Kings Chappel, then the Choir of Westminster, then the gentlemen of the Chapple, next ye
Prebends of Westminster, then the Master of ye
jewel house, then goes the Privy Councellors yt
are not Peers of the realme, then two Pursuivants goe, next them goes ye
Barronesses in Crimson velvet Robes Lined wth
Earmine, and Cut waved in a Long traine Lined with white sarsnet, the sleeves were open to the shoulder, tyed up there with Silver Cords and tassells hanging down to ye
wast, the sleeves being fringed wth
silver, under wch
fine point or Lace sleeves and Ruffles, wth
Gloves Laced or wth
Ribon gold and white, their peticoates were white; some tissue Laced wth
gold or silver, and their stomatchers some were all Diamonds; over all they had mantles of ye
same Crimson velvet Lined wth
Earmine and fastened to the shoulder, on wch
there was a broad Earmine Like a Cape reaching to ye
waste powder'd wth
rowes according to their Degree, ye
barroness 2 rows, the viscountess 2 rows and halfe, the Countesses 3 Rowes, the Marchoness 3 rows and a halfe, the Dutchesses 4 Rows, the Queen 6; these all having Long traines suiteable to their Robes and were in Length as their Degree. Ye
Barronesses had their traines 2 yards and a quarter drawing on the ground, the Viscountess 2 yards and halfe, ye
Marchionesses 2 yards 3 quarters, ye
Dutchess 3 yards drawing on the Ground. Their heads were dress'd wth
much haire and Long Locks full of Diamonds- some perfect Peakes of bows of Diamonds as was the Countess of Pembrook, - their heads so dress'd as a space Left for their Coronets to be set, all ye
rest is filled wth
haire, Jewells and gold, and white small Ribon, or Gold thinn Lace, in form of a peake, and gold gause on their rowles, they have also Diamond necklaces and jewels on their habitts. Each Carry their Corronets in their hands wch
does also Distinguish their Dignityes. The Barrons is a velvet Cap wth
a Coronet of Gold, wth
six great pearles or what resembles them a white Gilding in that form. Ye
Viscounts Coronet is a Gold set wth
16 pearles of Like sort set very Close together. Ye
Earles Coronet is of Gold wth
spikes, on ye
tops of which are Laid pearles wch
stands at a Distance, and have Leaves at ye
frame. Ye
Marquess's Coronet is Gold alsoe wth
spikes of Leaves of ye
same at distances, between wch
are those pearles much Lower just proceeding from ye
frame. The Dukes are a Double row of Leaves ye
one standing up at distances, ye
others between, Low by ye
frame. The Dukes, Marquess's, Earles, Viscounts' and Barrons, are Differenced as the Ladyes are by their Rows of Earmine on their Mantles-they all being Clad wth
Rich vests under their Robes, and trimm'd gloves of Lace or fringe, fine Linnen, and Carry their Coronets in their hands. Only those that are knights of ye
garter weare a Chaine of Gold S S on their shoulders upon their Earmine Cape, and have their George hanging to it, their Starr on ye
breast of their Robes and a Diamond garter on their Leg wth
blew Ribon. In this manner habited proceeds ye
Barronesses and Barrons, then the Bishops that sit in ye
as peeres their habit is Lawn sleeves and Black, their Capps are flatt Like a 4 square trencher put on v Cornerwise; after which went a pursuivant, then in same order ye
Viscountesses and next ye
Viscounts; then two Heraulds, then in same order the Countesses and next the Earles, then a Herauld, then in ye
same order ye
marchionesses next ye
marquisses, then two heraulds, then in the same order the Dutchesses, next them the Dukes, then two Kings at armes, after which ye
Lord Privy Seale, next him Lord President of ye
Councill. Then ye
ArchBishops wch
are Esteemed in higher Rank than ye
Dukes, then a Duke wch
is of ye
Royal family wth
their traine bore up, Prince George of Denmarke being Royal Consort to Queen Ann walked so haveing his traine bore by the vice-Chamberlaine, the Prince is Duke of Cumberland wch
is ye
first Duke; next goe two personages in Robes of state, but of an antique forme, velvet and Earmine wth
Hatts of Gold tissues, personateing ye
two Dukes of Acquitaine and Normandy wch
belongs to ye
English Crown. Next them went the Lord wch
bore St
Edmunds staff, wth
a Lord that bore the Gold Spurrs, another Lord with ye
Scepter Royal' 3 other Lords following wth
sword of justice, ye
Curtana sword of mercy, and another poynted sword, v next which Sr
Garter King at armes between my Lord Major and the usher of ye
black Rod. These Heraulds dress in Coates full of ye
Kings armes all about with Gildings, and hang short wth
Long sleeves and sleeves hanging behind alsoe. Next ye
Lord High Chamberlaine single, then next an Earle beares ye
sword of State between ye
Earle Marshall and ye
Lord high Constable, made for yt
Dayes Solemnity. Next goes an Earle Beareing ye
Scepter of ye
Dove, next yt
a Duke Carrying ye
Globe orb, next went a Duke wth
Crown wch
must be Lord High Steward for that dayes Solemnity, next went a Bishop wth
Bible between two other Bishops yt
Carryed ye
pattent and ye
Challice wch
Last appertaines to ye
Dean of Westminster. Next this the Cannopys and in Case there is a King then his Consort goes before him in this manner under a Cannopy of Cloth of Gold borne up by 8 Barrons of ye
Cinque ports, and is supported by two Bishops, and her Coronet or Crown is alsoe Carryed by a Lord before, and alsoe a silver Rod by another Lord, wch
when she returns she holds in one hand and the Little scepter. Her traine is bore up by ye
first Duchess of ye
Realme assisted by 4 maiden Daughters of Earles and her Robes ought to be only Crimson velvet, but King James's Queen would have purple, but never Changes them as doth a Queen that is Regent in her self ye
Principal, as Queen Ann and her sister Queen Mary joinct in ye
throne wth
King William. All wch
in some things makes a Difference as shall show, for ye
Queen Consort as King James's queen was was not anoynted nor sworne unless as a subject to ye
King and walked thus before him, after which ye
King Came under another Cannopy of gold tissue supported by 8 more of ye
Barrons of the Cinque-ports; he leaned on two Bishops, his traine borne up by the Lord wch
is Master of his robes assisted by four Lords sonns. These Cannopyes have silver staves for Each person to hold them up by. In ye
Case of King William and Queen Mary that were set joynctly on the throne anoynted both and sworne by ye
Coronation oath, they Likewise walked both under one of these Canopyes made very Large supported by ye
16 Barrons, and on ye
outside of Each went a Bishop on whome they Leaned, Leading Each other; and their traines were bore, the Kings by ye
Lord wch
is master of ye
Robes, the Queen by ye
first Dutchess and young Ladies. And soe their throne was Entire two seates and their Cannopyes one at ye
table, but now as in Case of our present Majesty Queen Ann I saw her thus; her Cannopy was Large bore by ye
sixteen, and she because of Lameness of ye
Gout had an Elbow Chaire of Crimson velvet wth
a Low back, by wch
meanes her mantle and Robe was Cast over it and bore by the Lord Master of ye
Robes and ye
first Dutchess, wth
4 maiden Ladies, Earles Daughters on Each side Richly Dress'd in Cloth of Gold or Silver, Laced, wth
Long traines, Richly Dressed in fine Linnen, and jewells in their hair, and Embroider'd on their Gowns. The Queens traine was 6 yards Long, the Mantle suitable of Crimson velvet with Earmine as ye
other of ye
nobility, only the rowes of powdering Exceeded, being six rowes of powdering. Her Robe under was of Gold tissue, very Rich Embroydery of jewellry about it, her peticoate the same of Gold tissue wth
gold and silver lace, between Rowes of Diamonds Embroyder'd, her Linnen fine. The Queen being principall of the order of ye
Garter had a row of Gold S S about her shoulders, ye
Georges wch
are allwayes set with Diamonds and tyed with a blew Ribon. Her head was well dress'd wth
Diamonds mixed in ye
haire wch
at ye
Least motion Brill'd and flamed. She wore a Crimson velvet Cap with Earmine under ye
Circlet, wch
was set with Diamonds, and on the middle a sprig of Diamonds drops transparent hung in form of a plume of feathers, for this Cap is ye
Prince of Wales's Cap wch
till after ye
Coronation that makes them Legall king and queen-they weare. Thus to ye
quire doore she Came, then Leaveing ye
Chaire she Left at ye
Abby doore-) she is condvucted to ye
Alter which was finely deck'd wth
Gold tissue Carpet and fine Linnen, on the top all ye
plaite of ye
abby sett, ye
velvet Cushions to place ye
Crown and all ye
regallias on. She made her offering at ye
Alter, a pound weight or wedge of gold, here the Dean of Westminster and ye
prebends which assists the Arch-Bishop in the Cerimonyes are arrayed in very Rich Coapes and Mitres, black velvet Embroyder'd wth
gold Starrs, or Else tissue of gold and silver. Then the Littany and prayers are sung and repeated by two Bishops wth
a small organ, then the Queen being seated on a green velvet Chaire faceing the pulpit attends ye
words of ye
sermon wch
was by ye
arch-Bishop of York, wch
being ended ye
Queen arose and returned thanks for ye
Arch-bishops Sermon, is shewed to ye
people by saying a form, Will you take this to be your Souveraigne to be over you ? thus I saw the Queen turn her face to ye
four sides of ye
Church, then the Coronation oath is repeated to her, wch
she distinctly answered each article, which oath is very Large in three articles, relateing to all priviledges of ye
Church and State to which she promised to be the security and to maintaine all to us. Then she kiss'd ye
Bible, then a Bible was presented to her to maintaine ye
true Protestant religion. Then she being on a Little throne by the alter, Cover'd all wth
Cloth of Gold, she has ye
spurrs of gold brought her and they toutch her heele, then the sword of state v is presented her which she offers up on the alter, wch
a Lord appoynted for it redeemes ye
sword for 100 shillings, and draws it out and beares it naked all ye
day. After the other swords are brought and presented her wch
she delivers to ye
severall officers, then the ring is put on her finger to witness she is married to the Kingdom, then the orb I saw brought and presented to her and ye
Scepters. Then she was anoynted in this manner; there was a Cloth of silver twilight Embroyder'd, held a Little shaddowing over her head. I saw ye
Bishop bring ye
oyle on a spoone soe annoynted ye
palmes of her hands, her breast and her forehead, Last of all ye
top of her head, haveing taken off ye
prince of Wales's Cap and ye
haire being Cutt off Close at ye
top ye
oyle was poured on and with a fine Cloth all Dryed againe. Then Last of all ye
arch Bishops held the Crown over her head wch
Crown was made on purpose for this Cerimony vastly Rich in Diamonds, ye
borders and ye
Globe part very thick sett wth
vast diamonds, ye
Cross on ye
top with all diamonds wch
flamed at ye
Least motion, this is worth a vast summe, but being made for this Cerimony and pulled to pieces againe, its only soe much for the hire of such Jewells that made it. This I saw was fix'd on ye
Queens head wth
Huzza's and sound of Drumms trumpets and gunns, and at the same tyme all ye
peeres and peeresses put on their Coronets on their heads. There are divers forms of speech that belong to each Cerimony. Ye
Queen after this goes to ye
alter and there I saw her receive the Sacrament, I saw the deane bring her ye
bread and wine. Then she is Conducted with her Crown on, her Globe and Scepter in her hand and seated on ye
Royal throne of ye
Kingdom wch
is of gold finely wrought, high back and armes set on a theatre of severall steps, assent rises on four sides to it. She being thus seated is followed wth
a second Huzza and sound of drums and trumpets and Gunns, then all ye
Lords and Bishops pay their homage to her; the Eldest of Each ranke swears fidelity to her in his own name and in ye
name of all of his ranck. They all singly come and touch her Crown and some kiss her Right Cheeke-they make all do soe,-she kisses the Bishops. All this while anthems are sung and the Medals are Cast about by the treasurer of ye
houshold, after wch
the Queen arose and went and made her second offering, sate down on the throne on wch
she was annoynted and Crown'd. After, an anthem is sung proper for the tyme, after wch
the Queen retired into King Edwards Chappel to private prayer, wch
being ended and her Crimson velvet mantle being taken off and one of purple velvet made just ye
same put on, in ye
same manner they returned Each one in his station, only the Lords yt
Carryed the Regalias now tooke their places as peers with ye
rest, ye
Queen walked to ye
doore of ye
abby wth
obligeing Lookes and bows to all yt
Saluted her and were spectatours, wch
were prodigious numbers in Scaffolds built in the Abbey and all the streetes on each side reaching to Westminster hall, where the Queen againe quitted her Chaire wch
was Carryed by four men, the whole procession being both going and comeing attended by ye
gentlemen pensioners Clad in Scarlet Cloth wth
gold Lace, Holding halberds wth
gold tops Like pickaxes. These make a Lane for the queen to pass and follow two and two, next them ye
groomes of the bed Chamber, then the Captaine of ye
guards went between ye
Captaine of ye
pensioners band and the Captain of ye
yeaumen, and were attended by their officers and yeamen. The queen being Come up to her table wch
was a great rise of stepps she was seated on her throne wch
was under a fine Cannopy. When King James was Crown'd he sate soe: at his Left hand sate his Queen under another Cannopy' but King William and Queen Mary being both principalls sate under one Large Cannopy on one Large throne, but our present Queen should have sate alone as she did in the upper End under ye
Cannopy, but she sent and did invite Prince George her Consort to dine with her. So he Came and at her request tooke his seate at her Left hand without the Cannopy. The first Course was served just before the Queen Came in, She being ushered in by the Earle Marshall, Lord High Steward, and Lord high Chamberlaine on horseback, their horses being finely dress'd and managed, and the Cookes Came up with their point aprons and towells about their shoulders of poynt; after wch
Comes up the Lord high steward againe on horseback, with the other two Lords, and acquaints the king or queen there is their Champion without ready to Encounter or Combate with any that should pretend to dispute, after wch
he is Conducted in on horseback by the Earle Marshall and ye
Lord high steward, and they Come up to the stepps of the throne' and there the Champion all dress'd in armour Cap-a-pe and declares his readyness to Combate wth
any that should oppose the Right of their Majestyes, and there upon throws down his guantlet wch
is giving Challenge, after wch
the King or Queen drinks to him in a Gold Cup wth
a Cover, ye
same wch
is Carryed to ye
Champion and he drinks, and then he retires back and Carrys it away being his Due as is the best horse in the kings stable, ye
best suite of armour in ye
armory. This belongs to Sr
John Dimmocks familly yt
hath a yearly salery from the Crown. My Lord Major here officiates as ye
kings Butler, and hath for a Reward such another Cup of gold Covered and thus the Ceremony Ends and they all retire. Westminster Hall is as full of spectatours sitting on scaffolds on Each side, under wch
are severall Long tables spread and full of all varietyes prepared for the Lords and Ladies, others for the judges, aldermen &. When there is a Rideing Coronation they proceed on from ye
abbey when a king is Crowned, all on horseback thro' ye
Citty in ye
same order as at the Entry at ye
peace, quite to ye
Tower all richly dress'd and their horses wth
fine trappings, Led on both sides by Each Lords pages, and when its a King only, then only ye
Lords attend as in ye
Coronation of King Charles the second, but at Queen Elizabeths the Ladies alsoe attended to ye
Tower which is at the utmost extremity of ye
Citty of London, where the Governour presents the King with ye
Keyes which he returns againe and after some other Cerimonyes and makeing some Knights of ye
Bath Either six or Eight I Cannot tell which. These are an order that prefferr such v a knight above all other knights, but is not so high as a Barronet and it alsoe expires at their Death descending not to ye
son; they wear a scarlet Ribon round their shoulder Like a belt: then they all return back to the pallace; Usually the rideing Coronation holds two dayes.
Celia Fiennes, Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary (London: Field and Tuer, The Leadenhall Press, 1888)