Males & Females
We are grateful to the following contributors. If you make use of the data in your own work, please follow any instructions given here on acknowledgment and re-use.
Date: | Acknowledgments: |
1971 | Office for National Statistics. Role: owner. Restrictions on use: all census data 1966-2011 is Crown copyright but is now available free of charge under the Open Government Licence. You are free to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application; but you must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to the Open Government Licence. |
This website exists to help people doing personal research projects on particular areas within a locality. So long as you are using our data for only a small number of units, you are not making money out of what you are doing, and you are not systematically re-publishing our data, you do not need to request permission from us, but you do need to acknowledge us as your source with the wording:
"This work is based on data provided through and uses historical material which is copyright of the Great Britain Historical GIS Project and the University of Portsmouth".
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The 1801 crop returns list differing crops for different parishes, so these data need to be treated with some care; a total of 63 crops or combinations of crops are listed, but many are very similar. Note that a great many parishes were missing from the data, and some additional parish names could not be identified, matched more than one parish within the named county, or lacked information on the county they were in. Nottinghamshire is completely missing. County totals include data for parishes that could not ...
be identified. The national total for England includes parishes with missing county information. The national total for England is also used as the total for England and Wales, to permit the web site to present comparisons with national totals, even though the returns contain no data on Wales.