Average consumption of solid fuel by region in 1952

Table ID:
FUEL_1952_REGION     (1247757)
Average consumption of solid fuel by region in 1952
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
The data are for the single year 1952.


  1. The information is taken from table 5, 'Average consumption of solid fuel per head of population and per square mile according to regions, 1952', in the ????.


  1. The information covers the whole of England, Wales and Scotland and was entered in Portsmouth by Paula Aucott in Autumn 2015S.
  2. The Scotland area figure does not include inland water.
  3. Currently not matching to the auo because these units are not yet within the auo gazetteer.


  1. The regions are divided into northern and southern halves of the country. For the columns the sum of each set of regions was compared to the half total and the half totals compared to the overall total for the columns containing area, population, domestic fuel consumption and total consumption of solid fuel. The northern half was -1 out, but the overall total was correct.
  2. For the rows two checks were done on the averages for areas. Firstly on the domestic fuel use average per square mile by dividing the domestic fuel consumption by the area multiplying to get the average and comparing to the figure in the average column. The North West region was +1 out. Secondly on total fuel consumption average per square mile by dividing the same check sum using the total fuel consumption columns. Again the North West region was +1 out.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
fuel_1952_region_pkey Primary key rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

fuel_1952_region_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

region_name Text string (max.len.=64). Name of Region as it appeared in the original report.
region Text string (max.len.=64). Standardised name of Region.
area Integer number. Area given in Square Miles.
tot_pop Integer number. Population count.
dom_fuel_csump Integer number. Domestic fuel consumption.
dom_fuel_rateph Floating point number. Domestic fuel consumption average per head of popluation.
dom_fuel_ratepm Floating point number. Domestic fuel consumption average per square mile.
tot_fuel_csump Integer number. Total consumption of solid fuel.
tot_fuel_rateph Floating point number. Total consumption of solid fuel average per head of popluation.
tot_fuel_ratepm Floating point number. Total consumption of solid fuel average per square mile.
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.