Consumption of oil fuel by burning, in counties in 1952

Table ID:
FUELOIL_1952_CNTY     (1247766)
Consumption of oil fuel by burning, in counties in 1952
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1952.


  1. The information is taken from table 11, 'Consumption of oil fuel used for burning, in Counties' 1952', in the ????.


  1. The information covers the whole of England, Wales and Scotland and was entered at the University of Southampton in Autumn 2015.
  2. The Scotland area figure does not include inland water.
  3. The figures are given in thousand tons.
  4. Currently the matching to the auo does not work becasue these units are not yet within the auo gazetteer.


  1. The geographical units have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. The unit names and types have been standardised. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other data-sets.
  2. The figures in the tables were all double entered to ensure they were correct.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
fueloil_1952_cnty_pkey Primary key rec_num
fueloil_1952_cnty_idx   adm_cnty, lg_dist, lg_type, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

fueloil_1952_cnty_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

place_name Text string (max.len.=84). Name of place as it appeared in the original report.
adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=64). Standardised name of Administrative County where a county name given.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=84). Standardised name of Local Government District where not a county name.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=16). Status for type of unit where Local Government District.
lo_area Text string (max.len.=84). Standardised name of Local Overseers Area where not a county name or Local Government District name.
adm_cnty_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for cnty unit.
lg_dist_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for local government district unit.
gas_diesel Floating point number. Use of Gas or Diesel Oil.
fuel_oil Floating point number. Use of fuel Oil
creosote_pitch Floating point number. Use of creosote or a pitch mixture.
tot_fuel Floating point number. Total fuel used.
dup_dist_flag Integer number. [No description available]
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.